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BHS-Sonthofen at last year's FILTECH 2023
For many years, FILTECH in Cologne has been an important platform for BHS-Sonthofen to present innovations in filtration technology and to enter into direct dialog with customers.
An anniversary in a class of its own
One focus this year is the Rotary pressure filter of type RPF of type RPF: BHS-Sonthofen is celebrating the 70-year success story of this proven technology for solid-liquid separation, which the company has continuously developed further since then. The rotary pressure filter has proven itself worldwide in numerous applications in a wide range of industries - for example in the production of amino acids and antibiotics or in the chemical recycling of plastics. The machine enables the continuous filtration of a wide variety of suspensions in complex production processes. All process steps take place in separate, pressure-tight segment zones within the filter. Customers benefit from high product quality and yield.
The indexing belt filter of type BF of type BF also offers BHS customers clearly measurable advantages. It is used as an intermittent horizontal vacuum filter for separating sedimenting solids from suspensions. The filter cake that forms on the belt can be further treated in a variety of process steps. Indexing belt filters are also used in a wide range of applications, including the production of plastic precursors.
From test to product
In order to determine the actual behavior of the customer product in the specific process and to lay the foundation for scale-up, laboratory and pilot-scale tests are indispensable. In July of this year, BHS opened its new Test Center for the Process Technology division with a wide range of testing options for the various BHS technologies. BHS will be happy to advise customers at FILTECH on possible test series. The filtration technology experts will also be demonstrating how to use the pocket leaf filter (PLF) (PLF). This compact, precise control instrument enables simple and mobile analysis of filtration results. With the pocket gauge, filtration can be visualized via pressure and vacuum.
BHS-Sonthofen cordially invites customers and interested parties to visit the team at FILTECH 2024. We look forward to your visit!
The BHS rotary pressure filter of type RPF is a continuously operating filter for pressure filtration and enables gas-tight cake treatment with several separate process steps. The main areas of application are bulk and fine chemicals as well as food supplements.
The indexing belt filter of type BF is a horizontal vacuum filter that works in cycles and separates sedimenting solids from suspensions safely and gently.
At FILTECH, BHS will be presenting how to use the pocket leaf filter (PLF). Tests with the pocket meter provide basic data on the filterability of a suspension and on the general design data of a production filter.