The Chinese customer Roten was commissioned to build a recycling plant for waste materials in Wuxi City. To be incinerated, these waste materials and their packaging must first be shredded and made pumpable. BHS-Sonthofen supplied technical solutions for the first step of the recycling process. Two shredders have been in operation since the end of 2019 and optimally meet the customer's demand for high machine availability: So far, the machines have been out of operation only for the inspection and maintenance period.
Roten has already successfully implemented projects with BHS-Sonthofen in the run-up and decided to use the high-quality solutions from Sonthofen once again. As an international company, BHS also has sales offices in China, which can quickly provide assistance in case of any problems.
Full SMP plant with elevator, shredder, mixer and pump
Second stage shredder, electrical drive, with 2 x 55kW motors
Continuous SMP mixer with hydraulic drive