At IFAT 2024 in Munich, BHS-Sonthofen will be focusing on metal recovery from metal-containing residual and waste materials as well as battery recycling.
BHS-Sonthofen’s mission is “Transforming materials into value”, meaning to extract the full economic value from various materials. The company will be splitting its booth into different topic worlds and showcasing how it is fulfilling this mission in both the recycling of metal-containing residual and waste materials on the one hand and in battery recycling using its in-depth process expertise on the other hand.
Technology leader for metal recovery from metal-containing composites
“We see the pure recovery of valuable metals as one of the key issues in the industry,” says Daniel Zeiler, Head of the Recycling Technology division. “In recent years, BHS-Sonthofen has continuously invested in development to further improve metal recovery from a wide variety of input materials. Depending on the material, we offer an optimized process tailored to our customers’ individual requirements, along with the core machines needed from our own production.” Visitors interested in the metal recovery topic can get an idea of the input material, the respective processing step and the recycling result.
French company Envie, located in the southern city of Toulouse, is the most recent customer to benefit from the implementation of a metal recovery solution. In 2023, the customer expanded its capacities and markedly enhanced the quality and quantity of its output with the introduction of a new plant.
Complete solutions for efficient battery recycling from a single source
Battery recycling now plays a key role in the development of sustainable energy storage solutions. A few years ago, BHS-Sonthofen developed a new, safe process for the efficient recycling of lithium-ion batteries, which has since proven to be a success on a production scale with several customers. The mechanical drying process occurs within a protective atmosphere and comprises three main stages: shredding, vacuum drying, and sorting. The drying process is supplemented by condensation for electrolyte recovery and gas purification. These three stages have now reached a high level of maturity that they are offered as pre-configured standard modules. The process allows valuable raw materials concentrated in black mass such as lithium, nickel, cobalt, and manganese to be returned to the material cycle at a rate of more than 97%. In addition, a high proportion of recyclable materials such as aluminum, copper and iron can also be recovered. “Customers benefit from our extensive experience and the combined process expertise in processing and traditional process technology,” Zeiler explains. BASF in Schwarzheide is the most recent customer to benefit from this at its large-scale plant for the recovery of black mass, which is currently under construction. Visitors can find out more about the process and the solution at its dedicated topic area.
Comprehensive portfolio of machine technologies and systems
BHS-Sonthofen offers a comprehensive range of machine technology and full-scale plants, including separation and screening technology, for the efficient processing and pre-/post-shredding of valuable waste materials. BHS rounds off its trade fair exhibit with separation, sorting, and classification technology. Investment in Swiss company RW Recycling World has made it possible to integrate technologies and machines from this sector into BHS processes.
BHS-Sonthofen at IFAT in Munich: Booth B4-351/450, from 13 to 17 May 2024
Metal-containing composites generally still contain large amounts of valuable metals. The BHS metal recovery process means these metal components can be recovered economically and effectively.
The mechanical drying process developed by BHS to recycle lithium-ion batteries reliably and efficiently has now proven itself in several large-scale plants in Europe.